Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Buried alive in what you do ?

The closest thing to being buried alive is the medical condition known as ventral pontine syndrome or pseudocoma. The below is a good article from indiatimes.

However some of us are really buried alive in our work with very little social interaction to speak off. Take care.

Without detracting from Bauby’s appalling experience, it’s still important to consider sometimes that, in a similar way, most of us are also locked-in in our kind of lifestyles. And that, generally, what we manage to accomplish during our brief existence can also be compared with the blinking of an eye while the rest of our potential lies seemingly paralysed. We too remain dimly away of what’s going on around us but feel helpless to participate or intervene. Fortunately, there have been exceptions again.

Prince Siddhartha Gautama was a locked-in in the suffocating microcosm of the palace of his father, King Suddodhona, living a life of paralysed luxury, hermetically shielded from the outside world and suffering for nearly three decades. But his blinking eyelid realised there was more and wanted out. Thus he was able to escape being buried alive in his pseudocoma and gain enlightenment which opened his eyes to spell out a teaching for a whole world to read.

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