Saturday, September 13, 2008

Euro Tour : First Stop Denmark

Well, I had the opportunity to visit Europe as part of an official visit from our company to visit partners and customers. Will be blogging about the personal experience to various countries here.

Our first stop was Denmark : Sept 6 to 9 2008.

Will be blogging going forward on my European trip adventure, starting from Denmark. We will be going from here to Sweden, France, Italy,Germany, Portugal, Poland, UK.

Started along with Alex D Paul from Chennai to Denmark to Copnehagen. Reached Copenhagen at 11:30 AM. Immigration at Brussels, Belgium.
Flight from Chennai to Brussels took 11 hours. Brussels to Copenhagen : 2 hours.
Brussels has a nice airport. Similar to Singapore airport. Strange thing is the security checks here is lesser than India / US.

Afternoon, after lunch, we were joined by our partner here Martin of The typical Danish food / lunch seems to be bread / burgers. We had a huge beef burger with some juice. People here donot drink water. Only beer :-) Pleasant climate. We went to the hotel at 3 PM. Its a 100 room hotel in a fantastic / post card green kind of surrounding. Too good. This hotel has just 1 lady at the front desk, no persons to help out with bags etc, all self service. The only strange thing is there is no elevator in this hotel. So we had to carry our suit cases 2 floors up.
Denmark in general (5 million) has very less population though.
Temperature outside : 15 degrees. Very pleasant, not cold.
Taxis are hard to get I guess.
Very less population.
Very nice roads
Calm traffic flow. People stick to the "max" traffic speed. If it says 40 max, then they do not go over 45KM/hr.
Left hand drive.
Good cars.
Side roads are neat and clean. Not that broad though. The main roads are 3+ laned. Roads are very straight.
There are specific lanes for cycles here. Also people go cycling and boating as a hobby on weekends to get some exercise.
Near Shopping centers the roads are not too crowded.
Fantastic People.
Can see Sweden from here on the coast. Denmark has over 5000KM of beach line (not necessarily straight though)!
Denmark is one of the 3 Nordic countries along with Sweden and Norway. Scandinvian countries include Nordic + Finland.
Lots of historical buildings and many of the buildings have an ancient architectural look. The scene from the hotel window, too go ! Like the botanical gardens in Ooty /or a golf course you can say.
Some other peculiar things : cars drive with the lights switched on. There is no way to switch if off. It seems that is built in to the system as it reduces accidents.
Sept was very good weather.

Checkout a few snaps.

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